The following article provides the step-by-step instructions on creating a new Customer Account in the Commerce Platform. You must be assigned Reseller Administrator permissions in order to follow the steps in this article.

  1. Log in to the Commerce Platform using any Internet browser.
  2. In the left-hand navigation pane, click on Accounts.

  3. Click on the Add Customer button above the accounts list.

  4. Fill in the required fields. A summary of these attributes is below.
    • Account Information:
      • Account Name: This name will appear in your Customer List and is typically the name of the customer’s company.
      • Billing Type: Currently, only Subscription is available.
      • Price Schedule: This specifies the price schedule to be assigned to the customer account. Custom price schedules can be created under the Price Schedules menu.
    • Company Information:
      • Company Phone: This is the reseller's business phone number.
      • Street Address/City/State/Zip/Country: These fields correspond to the reseller’s physical address. Please ensure these fields are filled out correctly, as certain services are location-dependent and will validate this information.
      • Reference ID: This is an optional field for entering a reference number or code, such as an internal company ID number.
      • Sales Manager: This is an optional field for entering a sales manager assigned to this company.
    • Domain Information:
      • Primary Domain: This is the customer's primary domain name.  Additional alias domains can be added by clicking the Add Additional Domains link.
      • Website: This is the customer's website address.
    • Branding Information:
      • Set Company Logo: This is the logo that will appear when any of the customer's users logs into the Commerce Platform. 
      • Set Company Color: You can choose both a primary and secondary brand color.

  5. Once all required fields are complete, click Next Step button in the top-right corner of the page.

  6. Fill out the Primary Contact information for this customer account. This will generally be the user responsible for administering the account, or it can be a dedicated user admin user for your access. This user will be assigned Customer Administrator permissions upon creation. A summary of the available fields is below.
    • Primary Contact:
      • First Name/Last Name/Display Name: Required Fields. The Display Name field will automatically populate once the First and Last Name are filled in.
      • Company/Job Title/Department: Optional Fields.
    • General Information:
      • User Login Name: Required Field. The username that will be entered by the user when logging into the Commerce Platform. The domain is automatically set to the Primary Domain configured, and an alias domain can be selected from the dropdown if one or more additional domains were added on the previous page.
      • Email: Required Field. The user’s email address.
      • Alternative Email: Optional Field. Any third-party email address to be used for Welcome Letters and password resets.
      • Country/State/City/Zip Code/Street Address/Phone Number: Required Fields. These fields are automatically populated from the company information entered on the previous page but can be edited to the user’s personal phone and address information if desired.
    • Security: The user's password can be set by either sending an email with a link to the user, or by manually entering a password.
      • Set password by email link: This option will send an email to the designated recipient address containing a link that will take the recipient to a form where they can enter a password. The recipient address are Primary Email Address (the address listed in the "Email" field above), Alternative Email Address (the "Alternative Email" field above), or Custom Email Address (which is entered below).
      • Manually generate password: This option will allow you to enter a password for the new user, or auto-generate one by clicking the generate button between the password fields.
    • Instructions: If an Alternative Email was specified, a Welcome Letter will be delivered to that address. If an Alternative Email was not specified, it will be sent to the user's "Email" address entered above.

  7.  Click the Create Customer button.

The new Customer account will be created, and you will be redirected to the Accounts page. It may take a few minutes for the new account to be fully provisioned, so we recommend refreshing the Accounts page after a few minutes.