The WebTitan filter provides a full suite of reports, allowing you to view all traffic flow from the locations you have set up in the account.  This allows you to see what categories of sites are being accessed by your locations, and if any attempts to access blocked sites have been made.

Reporting - Quick View

A quick snapshot of the most recent content from any given date can be viewed directly in the Control Panel.  To access the WebTitan Reporting quick view, use the following steps:

  1. Log into the WebTitan-enabled account at

  2. Click on My Services in the left-hand menu.
  3. Click the WebTitan service to expand it.

  4. Click on the Reporting tab.

The Reporting page provides the following information:

  • Time - The time the web filter processed the request.
  • Destination - The requested domain.
  • Category - The category that the requested URL was classified under.
  • External IP - The public IP address of the location that made the request.
  • Internal IP - The internal IP address of the computer that made the request (only available with DNS Proxy or Roaming Locations).
  • User - The user that issued the request (only available with AD-authenticated connections).
  • Action - The action taken by the web filter (Allowed, Block, or Bypassed).

By default, the Reporting page will display Blocked content from the current day.  You can filter the date or content shown by clicking on the Date or Filter fields and then clicking on the Get Report button.

Reporting - Advanced View

The quick Reporting view in the Control Panel will only display the most recent 1000 items for each particular day, and offers limited filter options.  It is most useful to check the current active traffic.  For a more complete and advanced view of the filtered traffic, you will want to use the Reporting History view in the WebTitan Administrative portal.

For more information on accessing the WebTitan Administrative Portal, please check the following article:

Accessing the WebTitan Administrative Portal

To view the advanced Reporting functions, use the following steps:

  1. Log into the WebTitan Administrative Portal at
  2. Click on the Reporting tab.

  3. Click on the History sub-tab.

The Reporting History provides the following information:

  • Time - The time the web filter processed the request.
  • User - The user that issued the request (only available with AD-authenticated connections).
  • Destination - The requested domain.
  • Category - The category that the requested URL was classified under.
  • Action - The action taken by the web filter (Allowed, Block, or Bypassed).
  • External IP - The public IP address of the location that made the request.
  • Effective Policy - The policy being applied to this location at the time the request was made.
  • Location - The name of the location.

By default, the history page will show the most recent results for today.  You can use the Page arrows to scroll through older events from the same day.  To show events from past days or to customize the list displayed, use the Filter window:

The following filters can be applied:

  • Date - The time the web filter processed the request. Specify a date by choosing it from the calendar. You can narrow the timeframe by using the slider bar.
  • User - The user that issued the request (only available with AD-authenticated connections).
  • Category - The category that the requested URL was classified under.
  • Action - The action taken by the web filter (Allowed, Block, or Bypassed).
  • External IP - The public IP address of the location that made the request.
  • Internal IP - The internal IP address of the computer that made the request (only available with DNS Proxy or Roaming Locations).
  • Location - The name of the location.